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If you don't know me, I'm Tommy. I'm a Christian, transformation specialist, Man City fan, Londoner, political enthusiast, and now an amateur blogger!
I care deeply about politics and justice, and I've always enjoyed writing, but never found the right place or the right voice to do it. It's always felt more vulnerable and exposing than maths, so I've stuck with maths. I want to change that, and so have created this site to host some of my writing. This writing will likely focus on changing structures and ideas, looking at a few different themes like:
Through this, I want to explore questions like:​​
Why are populist parties on the rise?
How do we deal with exponential inequality?
How do we have a better conversation about migration?
What does Christianity have to contribute to the world?​
If you've like to be updated when I post new articles, please do subscribe to the newsletter below!